Tuesday, 17 September 2019

owairaka birthday

It was a special day it was Owairaka birthday.  the whole school met on the court outside the hall and we listened to Sheryl talk about the history of our good school. Mushdah and Jamie got to cut the 90th  birthday cake. we listened to Sara talk about how she like to do art and then she cut ribbon to officially open. the art exhibition


  1. Hi my name is Fahtima and I am from Room 23 at owairaka District School. I really liked your blog post about our schools 90th birthday. the cake was so yummy did you liked the cake? I never new that it was the schools 90th birthday did you know? Thank for sharing your blog post with me blog you later.

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  4. Kia Ora, my name is Rory and I’m from Room 7 at Owairaka District School. I really liked your blog post about 90th birthday. I remember when I did something like this . Have you ever tried describing how it felt like?

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    Blog you later,

  5. Hi Mozart, I like your blog post about Owairakas 90th Birthday. Maybe next time check your punctuation and add a little bit more writing Bye!


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